Short Impulse Trip to BKK
Starting off this post on a slightly heavier note; Be Strong BKK I am glad to not have been caught in the midst of all the terror happening in the country right now; thank god for my four peaceful days spent (first time ever) in Bangkok. My prayers goes out to all those involved in the horrible ruthless bombing incident. May the culprit be caught soon, justice served and the streets to become safe for everyone. First up, the reason for deciding to make this trip. As per the title; it was an impulse trip. Being in the mode of slight depression over not seeing them for another two years paired with good internet connection enabling me to get decent seats for the concert and hence after confirming with Mummy if she wanted a short vacation, I was set for Bangkok 10th - 13th August 2015. DAY 1 Arriving at the airport in the ungodly hours of the morning (Thank you Daddy for the ride!) with our matching luggage and luggage tags (Thanks Bestie for the loan!) - we were set for our ...