Yesterday was a nice exciting day spent with baby =] Ok fine half an exciting day haha since we only met at like 2pm. took a long bus journey to meet baby at vivocity....i intended to go for the 5bux entry at universal studios to check it out so we met there for easy access....since it was still early we decided to walk around vivo for a while....
ive also decided that i always constantly use the same erm 2 bags....my black guess bag and my white guess bag....and guess what? my white bag is cui oredi =[=[ i want new white handbag!! we played at the arcade for quite a bit...played a few rounds of the basketball game till my arms and shoulders ached =[ ok so anyways after walking around for a bit we decided to head over to sentosa first at about 4ish. the lucky thing was it just rained so it wasnt too hot to head outdoors =] HELLO TO MONORAIL! =] this guy actually just departed and we waited for the next one....i wanted a pink one but we got onto an orange one blahhhh baby and me on the monorail! =] and after a couple of minutes we arrived!! haha this is the first view we had when we got out of the station.... there were a lot of shops outside the universal studio itself and so we walked around and took photos =] Hershey's chocolate! tee hee hee look at how uber cute the cars are! and and and an even cuter trolley!! they have it at candylicious as well i guess it might be some trademark merchandise sorta thing? kiss for the hersheys kiss toy hehe (clarence dun jealous lahhhh he so much fatter than you) and niceeee pillow though i was half hoping it smelled of chocolate hahaha and then we were once again drawn to the extremely strong aroma coming out from this shop.... popcorn!! we bought a bag of mixed caramel and cheesecorn popcorn it was damn yummy!!! no wonder there was a constant long queue....this is baby's greedy face of stuffing popcorn hehe after sitting down and enjoying our popcorn for a while we walked around somemore and took photos =] my zi pai skills zai right?? haha more photos of bigger areas and this is actually a candid shot...baby's natural real reaction when he sees food hahaha ( i still love you hun bun) and then theres the casino place there where a lot of people were actually going in baby got tired of walking around (see lah vain vain where nice shoes! =p) so we found a nice quiet place to sit and slack ehem i mean camwhore like siaos haha i shall spare my viewers the pain and just upload erm like 1/5 of our pictures haha baby says i have prettaye eyes here haha baby has kuki eyes oops haha i told you to stop staring at the fugly cockeyed snsd leader right! see lahhh i think baby looks especially cute here =] acts cool we finally decided to get off our asses at about 7pm and head towards the ticket counter...photo with christmas tree! lookey our cheap after hours entry tickets =] and here is my ultimate favourite picture of baby EVER SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HANDSOMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE =] tried to steal some of the good erm lighting haha the queue was really long and this is when we've finally moved towards where the entrance is within view and we're in! we saw kungfu panda! hehe another biggie christmas tree =] we walked up and down looking for a place to eat and finally decided on a nice place which sold nice looking steak so much for wanting to save money....we settled for the 50bux ++ set meal where we were escorted to the vip room and had access to the private balcony for fireworks watching at 930pm later gahhh lifestyles of the richhhhhhh manns haha so we embarked on our 5-course meal 1) first there was bread and butter oh wait it is WARM bread and butter...yumyum max =] i really love bread and butter for some reason hehe 2) tomato soup....not a big fan myself but baby really really liked it so...haha 3) and and and the non edible food bleargh haha except for the egg for me and egg and onion ring for baby haha. to save baby from embarrassment i shall not comment on the hilarious incident of baby trying something in the bowl haha took some more pictures before our main course arrived 4) main course! haha. steak was good good good. im not gonna compare with lawry's cause its totally different. anyway we ordered medium rare and the texture was great. it was soft inside but the outer layer was grilled nicely to give a nice charcoal grilled meat taste. the sides were also nicely grilled which allowed me to actually eat the fatty/veiny parts which i usually dont. looking at the plate below i naturally did not finish my potato and tomato haha. the serving of meat was a lot and baby was full max...i was full after giving baby a portion of my meat haha 5) and finally....DESSERT!!! =] my favourite =] it was new york cheesecake. and im telling you now...it was GOOD. haha i personally love love love cheesecake but not all are fantastic. this one was creamy and tasty. the extra touch of raspberry syrup for decoration allowed some sour taste to the cheesecake so that you dont feel very "ni". the base crust of the cheesecake is of ultimate importance and it was very tasty. wheee let the pictures do the talking....baby took 2 pictures of me with the cake and he reckons i look greedy roarrrr we also decided to purchase a mocktail which came with this complimentary glass since there was a promotion for the set meal this is called studio x and it was quite nice =] i wanted the glass as souvenir hehe at 930pm we headed out to the balcony and watched the fireworks. baby was so glad we took up the vip treatment offer as we saw thousands of people crowding down below haha we then walked out of the place with very very full tummys and checked out a couple more shops which were still opened heres clarence winning an award =] i wanted to hold the best sweetheart award but baby insisted i take this instead hehe one final picture before we left universal studios....wheeeeeee baby the spoilt brat refused to take a bus back so we headed towards the taxi stand....and guess what i spotted?? HOT CAR! and upon a closer look, i realised it was BLING!!!!!!!! with like a stereo set blasting music so we finally got on a cab and headed back home together. tired and exciting and fulfilling day =] Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!


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