Short Malaysia Trip

Ok shall blog about my short weekend getaway from the 18th - 20th march

Ok so daddy had some stuff to settle so we headed over to KL. We departed on Friday morning itself. I was damn damn stressed the day before we left =[ I only got home at like 10pm and I had like so so so so much work to accomplish before we left. I wasnt sure if I would have internet connection so I had to settle all my project work matters before leaving my groups alone for the weekend. Reached home just to realise that one of my project due monday was screwed; the file on my lappie wasnt saved at all. Nice. Freaked out for quite a while and tried to save whatever I could before I actually packed my stuff for the weekend. Yes I wasnt even prepared to leave. Thank god it was a short short trip. Anyways slept pretty late cause I reckoned I could sleep in the car. Sadly I nearly overslept! Thank god I woke up at 630am when the family was leaving at 7am. And I still had last minute stuff to put in my bag eeks bad bad. Anyways family had breakfast at BP Plaza before the drive. Something bad happened. I went to take my last toilet break and when I arrived at the car MK looked at me and said "dont get too excited. the car cannot start" There I saw daddy with the hoot open and on the phone trying to get help I assume. I was calm. I looked at MK and said "its ok im here. I will get the car started" and guess what? After trying for 5minutes I did. HA. I realised that the car was on reverse gear instead of parking so you cant turn the engine on. For new drivers out there do not these little things haha. So off we went!

Expectedly I slept throughout the journey except for the toilet breaks and THE lunch break at A&W at Yong Peng whoooooooo Oh one of the earlier toilet stops was at a place where the floor was full of CATERPILLARS. I wanted to die. Yes I did. Anyways when we reached KL we got lost for quite a while =[ Finally reached the hotel at like 3pm ish and decided to rest and then reccee around the place and realised there wasnt anything we liked nearby so we headed to Mid Valley whoooo and had KENNY ROGERS. Food was so good and so cheap omg omg we walked around the mall for a while too and found so so so much more good food it was so tempting =[ In the end we headed back with 2 boxes of donuts. Unfortunately, they were not good. Sigh.

Saturday morning we decided to drive down to Bukit Jalil to check out the SJ merchandise. We kind of reached a bit too early at 9ish when they were supposed to open at 12 but I spoke to the Korean people there and they said they would open at about 10ish wheeeee got cute korean girl =] I like =] haha when the queue opened I headed straight to her to make my purchase wheeee =] Some stupid malay kids tried to cut my queue in collecting the stuff before they paid. Stupid. The korean guy pulled me aside and asked them to go and pay for their stuff sheeshhhh dumbasses. While we were queuing we bumped into some RITs people and before we knew it we were attending the concert that evening. My whole family. HAHAHA. Me and MK sat seperate from our parents though.

Anyway we walked around before going back to hotel to change and then head for the concert. We reached at like 5plus and stood outside for a mere 10mins before we were entering the stadium =] I actually went to pee twice before the concert hahaha anxious lahhh hahaha the show started promptly at 6pm and oh they actually had DJs!

I know people are dying to hear about the concert but you can ask me personally if you want to hear me ranting haha anyway pictures are on facebook and videos on youtube (2 of em) The rest of the videos are basically recorded off the big screen in the comfort of my seat. I recorded only my favourite performances mostly the solos and of course Perfection and SHAKE IT UP!!!! whooo the video is shaky cause I was dancing and video-ing HAHA and most of the videos you can hear me and MK talking haha so yahh haha

Anyways song list :

1) Sorry Sorry

2) Super Girl (Korean)

3) Dont Don

4) No Other

5) VTR intros

6) Confession

7) Good Person

8) Rokkugo

9) One Fine Spring Day (Chinese)

10) New Endless Love (Chinese)

11) I Wanna Love You

12) Kiss Goodbye (Chinese)

13) Looking For The Day

14) Baby

15) If you Leave

16) Down

17) VTR

18) Tok Tok Tok

19) You and I

20) Song For You

21) Ms Chic (Chinese)

22) Shake It Up

23) Twins

24) Hate U, Love U

25) In My Dream

26) Rinaldo

27) All My Heart

28) Perfection

29) VTR

30) Bonamana

31) A Man In Love

32) U

33) Dancing Out

34) Cooking Cooking

35) A Way For Love

36) Wonder Boy

Took this list off the web. THIS IS MY DREAM SET LIST!!! =] THANK YOU EUNHYUK for making my wish come true =]=]=]

After we got the tickets I kept whining MK to MK stuff like "eh Eunhyuk did both performances in Manila lehh" "ehhh Leeteuk got solo in Japan" "eh eh they sing perfection in taiwan!! I want" "I hope they perform perfection" and yes yes after ranting for hours I got my wish =] Ok juicy stuff from the concert:

-Sungmin looked cuter that day so Im back to thinking maybe hes ok. I used to like him quite a lot cause I thought he was cute and then I decided that he was retarded. MK wanted to point laser at Sungmin "Die Sungmin die" hahaha in hope that he would fall off the stage and I told MK no cause if he hell on me Id die and MK said "I dont think his weight is enough to kill you" haha but yah he acted cute in front of me and oh got excited waving goodbye to me haha damn farnie. I told mummy after that about him being overly excited when he saw me while I returned him a stoned look and she was like "aiyah hes like that lahh" haha

-I made Shindong laugh

-Siwon came over alot.

-Ryeowook walked by in his tomato suit.

-Siwon threw a ball directly at MK *jealous much*

-MK touched Kyuhyun's hand because he was tall enough *jealous*

-Donghae pissed me off bad. MK and mummy insists that it wasnt his fault and he didnt mean it but I cant find a place in my heart to forgive him

-The guy who caught the Kyuhyun autographed was a "huge guy who took up the place of like 5 people in the moshpit" as described by MK

19) Song for You


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