Girly Giggling Gathering

Aights I had a girls day out with Mummy and Fiqah =] Love =] Ok and I know Im blogging at a rather frequent pace cause I dont think I'll be able to blog much once next week arrives. Speaking of which, Buddy please contact me soon! Wo hen jing zhang! Hehe

Ok people be prepared as we embark on a post of laughters =]

K so we fetched Fiqah after sending MK and headed for Nex the new shopping centre (ok fine tentatively new) cause I've never been there before

We headed to the cinema first to check if Scream 4 was still showing but unfortunately the only show was the one at 9pm =[ So we decided to have lunch at Texas Chicken wheeeee

This is my oh-so-cute lovely cousin haha

Even with this monkey face shes cute unlike a certain slutface who makes humanly impossible faces that makes even the gorilla look good ok wait prevention of cruelty to animals, shes beyond them.

Ok food pictures!

It was alright, very Popeye's like.

A lot of laughter came with the lunch, Fiqah reckons thats the reason why Ive grown fatter ahhhhh hahaha. Topics included a guy who apparently looks like fatty from Shinee HAHA which equals to CMI! haha and he thinks hes damn hot. Seriously Fiqah please dont hang out with such a loser liar hahaha

Then we walked around quite a bit to check out all the shops. Everytime we see something that cost below 5dollars we would say "omg that is so slutface" Fiqah loves the nickname "slutface" she thinks its catchy haha wheee I invent catchy names. And oh we saw the cartoon character that she likes....damn ugly! haha MK says it looks like her thats why she likes it HAHA. AGREED. That means Im as cute as Hello Kitty right? *smiles* Haha nah I reckon cause its cheap and all anyway she can never afford an originial Hello Kitty doll anyway haha

Then the fatties decided to have dessert! haha =]

This is also when all the story-telling began about SS3 Malaysia =] Haha the highlight of the day for Fiqah dear. Firstly she was damn jealous that our VIP tickets were that good hehe and that we sat with Siwon's family apparently haha I think I accidentally fell on his sister/cousin twice haha. Anyway a lot of laughter about MK's received attention and ehem violent actions tsk tsk haha and oh Fiqah screamed like a fangirl when I did to her what Donghae did to me =] Hahahahahaha yes we are all every excited for me and Donghae's love at first sight occurrence with special thanks to MK who made it all happen with his "take my sister! take her!" actions haha

Also told her about Sungmin's liking towards me haha. Damn funny. After that night when we were watching Suju on TV and Sungmin appeared, MK was like "hey look! your favourite!" and I was like "No, Im his favourite" haha MK giggled and went "oh yah" So I told Fiqah that I would totally introduce him to her when I have the chance since Fiqah lurves Sungminnie and you know what that girl said?? "Ok lah I dont mind him as my cousin-in-law" Like hello! Haha hes for YOU haha not for myself. The feelings are one-sided can I dont like him that way haha.

Anyways kind Mummy bought us tiny Hello Kitty dollies!! THANK YOU MUMMY! =]

Mummy retook the shot cause she wanted to get rid of that boy HAHA

CUTE right?!?!?! haha and btw they cost like about 10 times more than the dolls that slutface would buy...and I mean each. Ha.

Walked around a lot more to look at stuff and look what I got myself!!

A brand new watch *LOVE* The picture doesnt do it justice. Its a really gorgeous watch with mother pearl surface and diamonds surrounding it. The girl said it came only last week and there is only one of it. So yaye to a gorgeous unique new watch. Im loving the comfort its giving me as compared to my previous bulky one which I bought because "Paris Hilton was wearing it" Haha. Been wanting to buy a new watch for almost half a year but a certain someone kept saying he would get it for me. Ha. Should have known better. But this works out much better. Im sure this watch is about 10times more gorgeous than what he would have gotten me without me paying for 70% of it.

So we walked around an even a lot more to check out shoes for Fiqah but she has unfortunate sized feet so we got away empty handed =[

Fetched MK from school before heading home for more one-on-one girly time *wink wink* Haha Ok Fiqah I need you now to breathe before you continue reading.

Anyways started off my admiring my perfect view pictures taken from SS3 Malaysia. Yes all the unglam a bit too upclose photos of the boys haha. Then we moved on to the many many videos that I took and she loved em despite the constant shaking due to me multitasking - dancing and video-ing haha. And ok I know I said I didnt scream at all during the concert but when I rewatched my videos it is embarrassing to realise that 50% of the time you can hear my orgasmic screams for Eunhyuk. Hahahaha yes now we all know why Im soooo shy to share my SS3 videos haha aiyah but you see so hot how to resist???

Ok fine unfortunately they couldnt take off their shirts due to ehem Malaysian rules but the female dancers sure gave a "good show" haha

And then the real reason why Fiqah came over to my place:

Yes babe I did warn you to breathe haha. Omg and in order to make you laugh you have no idea the pain I went through even posting the pictures here hahahahaha

But its ok I have improved. From rolling one round round the carpet and then crying a whole bucket of tears to just falling off my stool in laugher. hahahaha

Eh eh we should totally go and put as wallpaper. Sure die. haha or I know!!! Put as ID picture for each other I put you as Siwon and you put me as Leeteuk then when we call each other we will die of laughter hahahahaha

Ok ok anyway I would really like to thank the both of you for giving me such a great time omg all the laughter is just madness haha

Phoebe Feehily signing off now...leaving you with one last video to enjoy:

This is "Super Junior LIVE at Live Power Music" or better simply known as "Leeteuk's Epic Fail"


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