Mwahahaha Im evil. Haha. Ok Im so damn damn damn busy and want to die. Ok detailed version: Im dead tired and I still got a lot of stuff to settle (school stuff) and tomorrow work is going to be hiong. Was already tired and when I got on the bus I couldnt get a seat! =[ Luckily I got one at the Far East stop again. Konked. Groggily walked home to realise that daddy waited for me to go for walk and I felt bad turning him down so I went and since I hadnt had dinner I decided to jog instead of walk. Gave myself a 40% discount off pull-ups and sit-ups but I hung for 30s. GSS lahh hahaha. And guess what? I havent eaten.

Ok ok stop getting distracted. Results. Good. Goodbye Cs hello As. Feels good. Considering I had a horrible ex-boyfriend and an annoying slut harrassing me throughout the semester and even close to exam period, I had surprising well so Im happy =] My first digit increased by 1 and the first decimal place isnt even a 0 HA. You 2 losers hope you cry and die in misery over your horrible grades =P retribution. And oh I had to S/U a B- hahaha. Feels good right when its such a change from last time when you're happy with just a C.

Damn busy because yes I had to do my S/U and its done now I need to look through my FYP 20 finalists and start emailing professors.

Also planning a weekend getaway for my birthday. Damn should have planned earlier and went ahead before I broke up. Annoying ass kept insisting we'll stay at a nice hotel blah blah (btw Im sure for which I have to pay for) now break up then I need to plan my own birthday celebration right.

I will blog more about my mini shopping spree + Michelle's birthday celebration when Im less tired and going mad and partially debating between puking or eating.

Hope the people I love all did well =] (usually I say: I hope people reading this blog all did well but now that slutface and friends of slutface read my blog. No Im not that kind)

Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!


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