End of Internship

Ok technically I am as free as a bird...for one week at least. But I was so lazy to blog within my last week of work hehe typical me. So the question is, how was my internship? Amazing.
Firstly, it was what I've been wanting since 9mths ago; the thing I cried over not getting initially. So going back to that time, thank you very very much for all who believed in me and encouraged me to push on and yes I finally succeeded in securing myself such a great internship. I did not expect the internship to be so fruitful initially; not knowing the emphasis and investment the company had put into our bunch of 15 interns. Yes I was super stressed over the competition involved throughout this internship but I can safely say that despite this the group of us bonded pretty nicely and this friendship is something I'm gonna take with me for a long time.

The lovely girls who were in the same interview group as me =] Really glad that you guys made it and it was nice seeing you guys again after the initial interview. Pity I couldnt work on the Connections page with you guys despite the constant input from me *ahem* coal miner haha. Special mention Lean and Daswanan who never fail to keep me in your minds, you guys know what I mean =] Dont like Tanyi, I never got the hot date you promised me =p haha

What am I gonna miss the most from this internship? Our pantry lunches!! Yes we are not as atas as the ehem people from the other channel haha but our pantry lunches are always most enjoyable with all the fun and laughter =]

And yes occassionally we do eat out at a nice place ;-) Where the fun and laugher continues without fail.

And definitely not forgetting an essential part of our time in UBS: MINDALIGN! haha

Snapshot above taken from my last day of work...see the red circles? They kicked me out even before I left the company! haha

Ok moving on to sweet sweet moments shared in UBS...thank you sooo much once again for the surprise birthday party

And it didnt stop at mine =] Happy Birthday to the sweet sweet Jessie

Not forgetting our Kbox outing! Yes we are the deprived interns who were entitled to only one outing throughout our internship haha. Thanks for everyone chipping in to make this work. Was so glad I made the choice of exiting the drinking session earlier and joining you guys ;-) Made my night.

Also our earlier farewell specially for our indian friends. Minds cafe!! Sorry I was being an annoying lazy/dead tired person and couldnt stay long. But I had fun playing the first game haha even all of you were out to kill me *glares at evil couple koko and lele*

Farewell lunch with Bibi! (at her requested place)

Special shoutout to dear Bibi at this point: I dont think I could have survived my time in the office without you! My pantry-mate cum toilet-mate cum tea-break mate. And also thanks for always feeding me when Im hungry haha. Most importantly thanks for always being there for me =]

Like I mentioned to Aneesha...how was our last week of work? We were really living the life haha with nice long non-pantry lunches haha. This picture was taken at Astons haha where we actually did not have to queue wheee cause we ran down at 12pm itself haha

Thanks Ha for joining us =] and also inviting me for lunch with the other gtps and thank you Joseph for the lunch treat ;-)

Our last day of work was basically a say goodbye day. We decided to start saying all our goodbyes in a systematic manner starting 215pm. Oh and we had lunch at Thai Express *ahem Shai are you jealous haha*

So we walked walked walked all the way to Raffles City for lunch and then walked walked all the way to the SMU admin building before walk walk walking all the way to Rocher for Jessie's beancurd tarts. Thank god we took a cab back and even then I had to pop a panadol =p

So basically at 215pm we started saying goodbye to all the level 6 people and then followed by level 4. Then Jessie had her review at 3pm so we continued our byebyes after that itself. We started off with level 17 where I had more embarrassing moments damnit. And then level 18 to say goodbye to Jessie's department and beancurd tart eating session with Jing! =]

Then we camwhored with the UBS logo, photos taken by the super farnie security guard haha

Rounding up my very not as sentimental as it was meant to be blogpost, the special people that made my internship that much more meaningful.

My lovely buddies =]

Supervisor =] The one that made this all happen.

Senior manager! The best ever

Ending off on as sentimental a note as I can....I got pretty emotional as I was leaving the office on Friday itself.. I will definitely miss UBS especially the people. Thank you everyone for making my time at UBS such an amazing one =] Hopefully we will have more years to come.

And now its back to school...Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!


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