F1 + Big Bang

And so FINALLY I get to watch the freaking F1 night race in Singapore!!! Been wanting to ever since it came to Singapore. So what made me finally go? BigBang hahaha not Kimi Raikkonen. Big joke. But yes anyway it was a kind of last minute decision because I went to check with Alfred if the cheapo 38bux ticket could gain entry to watch the performances near. Paige's a huge fan and I asked her why she didnt go when it was so cheap and she said the fanclub people mentioned that the 38bux ticket only allowed view from very far. Losers. Should trust the person who is closely connected and involved in the event haha. I called Paige up and she was practically screaming in excitement over the phone haha. So yaye I bought 4 tickets in the end (Im nice and I like to share happiness hehe) Brought Paige, MK and HM =]

So on the actual day itself poor Paige had her test so the 2 ahjummas decided to go and queue in the morning. It was sooo bad and A LOT of people kept coming up to me to ask me what we were queuing for/where to buy merchandises etc and random people even took pictures. GOSH. Haha I had my shades on as well and people who walked by still recognised me. EMBARRASSING! hahaha ahjumma queuing for boyband haha. Anyway Paige and MK FINALLY joined us later nearer 3pm where the gates opened. Me and HM took their bags so they could join the no bag-check queue and run to Padang first. Uh huh they successfully did; Paige reached there FIRST but she queued wrongly =[ So we kinda of ended up the 3rd group in the queue (which is good enough!)

The rest of the day was actually just pretty painful waiting. It was soooo freaking hot I thought I was gonna die/faint of heatstroke like multiple times throughout the day haha. HM Ahjumma ran away a couple of times to check out the race. Paige was nice enough to wait alone and let me and MK run off for a short while to watch the Porsche Carrera Cup Asia. Here are a couple of pictures of the zoom zoom cars my camera actually managed to capture:

Then we partially took advantage of our freedom and ran over to the booths to check things out and MK took this cute photo for me hehe

Didnt buy anything at the booths cause I was being a good girl and decided to save money; nah I just didnt wanna leave Paige alone for too long poor girl hehe.

So we went back to Paige and waited somemore before the gates opened. We bought more food and drinks to replenish ourselves before we had to head into the pits which were due to open at about 7+. HM came back shortly after us; when the Porsche race ended. Oh on a sidenote I was like having dizzy spells the entire afternoon =[

Anyway nearer the time 4 of us took turns to run off to try and catch a little bit of the F1 race (it started only at 6+; it was delayed because of our extreme hot weather and the roads were too hot) Couple of pictures I managed to capture; stand at the turn where speed is lowest hehe

So finally at 7+ the race finally ended and it was time to open the gates to let us in. By that time, it was already getting dark and the scarier thing; people were already starting to crowd at the entrance of the gate, SO IRRITATING! Seriously. Its a major WTF. People have been queuing for hours and these pieces of shit think they can just run in. So I called the security and told him to watch out for those people and he passed the message to all his staff at the gates. Some girl behind even went partially mad, she walked down the area and started screaming "go away!" and pushing all those people away. Well that kind of was to our benefit so I just watched. I strategically placed HM and MK on the outside, plan was for them to block off so that me and Paige and successfully run in and secure our spots. So when the gates finally opened....you can only imagine how horrible it was...the first group made it in safely but when the second group of younger gals were going in, a couple of stray dogs managed to barge their way through. When it was our turn, I grabbed a staff and threw her at those pieces of shit and asked her to stop them. I think one person still managed to sneak past. So me and Paige reached the barricades fast and I made sure she spaced out so MK and HM could come in hahaha my actions were seriously hilarious. I grabbed Paige and placed her at the barricades, then grabbed MK and placed him there; then from the corner of my eye I saw someone in white beside me and I grabbed her before I looked and realised it wasnt HM and I kinda erm threw her away hahahaha. Then HM strolled in quite a while later and I managed to drag her to the front. Her reason; she was screaming at a couple of those queue-cutters and I think she made one girl cry hahaha; Do Not Mess with the Lawyer Ahjumma haha. Shes super cute lah. So yes we were finally all standing in front =] And the nice security people let us put our stuff in front of the barricades as well =] MK insisted that the security guy liked me, yes yes it always happens haha dont ask me why but it always works to our advantage haha. He was like "yup you can put there but if lost not my problem ah" which I replied with "If its gone then its confirm you! Because you're the only one who can reach it!" and everyone cracked up haha.

So anyway soon after the first performer came on stage; Charice.

She had quite good vocals and she sang live well so its pretty impressive. Enjoy the one pretty good vid I took:

After her pretty long performance, (I think she belted like close to 10 songs at least?) the second part of the F1 race commenced. MK couldnt take the pain and sat down on the floor haha The security guy kept disturbing him and checking if he was ok haha. Anyway trying to defend the poor brother on the floor I was badly pushed by the idiots behind. Even HM suffered it. She got damn pissed off she shouted at the girl behind her. MK did so too when he stood up and she started pushing again. I was SUPER affected by the lesbian behind me. No kidding. First I felt her tugging on my bra hook and later she was blowing on my back and touching my hair. *died* Haha. Beats getting grinded against I guess? haha oh well, happens at every such concert. Used to it. BUT I just couldnt understand why the hell they were doing it well before the concert started sheesh arent you gonna be tired by the time GD+TOP+Seungri actually comes out?

So anyway finally after a day long of painful waiting, the moment arrived:

This DJ came out first and spent at least a good long 10mins playing YG songs; remixed

And then finally Seungri came out!! hahaha MK was damn farnie lah! He couldnt recognise it was Seungri + 4 dancers and he thought that the whole 5-member big bang arrived haha. My camera managed to capture our screaming conversation but I shant upload it =p

Seungri looked....normal. Seriously a disappointment. He was the Big Bang member whos performance I was most looking forward to. Sigh.

He performed a couple of his songs before GD and TOP came out.

GD seriously seemed like a deranged man high on drugs hahaha. Super funny.

I am currently not very in a mood to describe in the details the performances but no worries Im sure these videos make up for it:

Honestly I guess I was pretty exhausted by the end of the day and hence I couldnt fully enjoy the concert and get high. I was damn high for maybe the first 3 songs before dying hahaha. Ok I shall just give comments on the one thing Im good at/known for; physical appearance. TOP was damn handsome. Seriously, he had a bit of the AngMoh look, nice skin colour and nice features. GD and Seungri were huge disappointments. I always think GD looks like Sungmin on TV but in real-life Minne is much better looking. Seungri looked like a teddy bear but...not as cute as he does on TV =[ Super Junior wins hands down in terms of looks. Something I just kind of realised after seeing a couple of other Kpop male singers in the flesh, Suju is the best looking haha maybe deep down inside this is the real reason why I love them haha.

Anyway the concert finally ended and getting out of the place was horrible as well. The crowd omg. So we finally made it out and my sweet boyfriend was at the entrance waiting with drinks and fries =] Sweetness. He was there with Alfred. Soon after HM's ride came and so we bid her goodbye before going into Swissotel to wait for my parents. They finally came and the 3 exhausted people were finally home =] We were soooooo dead exhausted we woke up super late the next morning haha.

Ah hope MK Paige and HM had a great time. Love you guys much <3

Looking forward to F1 2012; heard Kimi might be back hehe and since UBS is sponsor...whooo hehe....Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!


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