BLUE Meet And Greet (22 Oct)

I managed to get to meet BLUE all thanks to PAIGE!!! <3 Haha I made all my family and friends enter the contest to increase my chance of winning (6 of us in total) and thank god Paige won!! =] So she brought me =] Hehe anyway her creative entry was thought up by me hehe, she just did it up cause my photoshop skills are non-existent. It was pretty exciting I still remember her calling me right after she got the call from ION Orchard to share the good news and we were practically half screaming down the phone haha. Apparently out of all of us who joined the contest, only Paige was the lucky one and yes she chose to bring me along for it =]

On the day itself we met up early in the morning because we wanted to go and buy Blue's latest album to get it autographed. We went ALL OVER and it did not exist! Omg. In the end, we had to detour to Paige's house (thank god Mummy drove) followed by my own to dig out our old albums. Paige's was unfortunately missing (tsk tsk!) and mine was under my entire piles of CDs but I managed to find all my first 3 albums. (one of which was already autographed)

Then we finally made our way back to ION where we were pretty early so we camwhored a bit ;-) When the time was near we could see crowds forming at the entrance of the ION Sky Park (lift) cause that was the meeting place. Once the people arrived, me and Paige were amongst the first few people to sign in and go up lift (first batch of fans) Just because I cannot stand waiting around haha. Might as well go up first.

So exciting! It was my first time up there! hahaha

When we reached the top we were greeted with a set up for a press conference. And since we were the first one out of the lift (people behind us started running to overtake us) we walked over to the first row centre and plonked our sexy asses down =]

Best seats in the house baby! Hehe. Then the host Roz arrived, she had nice shoes from Y3. Then we helped ourselves with a bit of food, took some pictures and were served drinks. I was super impressed with the hospitality! We were treated like VIPs, not some crazed fans.

And then...the boys finally arrived! I got to hi5 Anthony!

And the press conference began. The boys were really fun and down-to-earth, which kind of reminded me of why I adored them in the first place. The really havent changed much in terms of character and personality since the last them I saw them which was like 8 years ago. Omg that was such a long time ago. Still the same sweet old Blue.

And a couple of videos I took:

Then came the autograph signing part and the people kept insisting I go first but I was busy keeping away my stuff and taking my albums out to get ready so I asked the girls at the side to go first of which they gladly did. Then while we were queuing Paige asked my for my white marker first cause she was going first and then she couldnt get the marker cap out and she panicked hahaha. She turned to one of the ladies there and started screaming "help me!" and the lady panicked! hahahahah she grabbed the pen and quickly opened it up. So funny! I laughed whilst the lady looked at me and said "omg I panicked! she made me panic!" hahaha I hugged her she was so cute lahh. The first guy was Lee Ryan so he signed Paige's cover and then called the previous girl and said "hey I think this pen is better!" and then resigned her album haha. Bad choice giving them a blue marker when most of the people there brought the All Rise album; which had a black background. Then Lee signed my album and another girl's who shoved her album in front of him. Then I asked for a hug and he did =] And we exchanged kisses. I hugged him and said "I miss you guys so much" and he went "Awww sweetheart its ok. We'll be back again soon this time round" and looked me straight in the eye. OMG MAJOR HEARTMELT. <3 Then next was Simon and I asked him for hug but he was busy singing before he went "Oops" and then hugged and kissed me =] Anthony already finished signing and then he opened his arms out to me to which of course I returned with hug and kiss. I guess he did that because he saw me hugging and kissing Simon as well haha. Last but defnitely not least, Duncan. Super funny! He pouted his lips asking for a kiss hahaha but I just hugged and kissed his cheek haha. I was telling people that if it was Nicky I might have just kissed him on the lips but I dont feel as close to the Blue members as I am with the Westlife lads haha. Oh and Paige captured the moment on camera haha

Tsk tsk Duncan some things never change aye? Watch your hands =p

After which we proceeded to the phototaking session =] I saw some girls taking pictures with the lads during the autograph session. Jealous max. Damn I didnt know we could. Nevermind we get group picture anyway. Oh and Paige and the girls before us left their stuff on the chair and the panicky lady once again panicked haha so together we grabbed all the bags and brought it over to the queue hahaha. The first shot was so badly taken =[ It was blur and me and Lee were still moving to place! I asked her to take again cause I was moving and she said she already took twice. But when I checked the one picture it was sooooooo HORRIBLE! I got kind of upset so I returned to them and asked the panicky lady (since she was nicer) and a female security there if we could retake the shot cause it was so bad. They said no and then they told me to join the queue at the back. So we did. And this was the second shot. Blur but at least a much better picture

Then the lady asked me if it was ok this time round and we said yes and thanked them continuously =] Then while we were walking away I asked one of the other ladies if they were ION staff and she said yes. I told them that they were all so nice and she got so touched she hugged and kissed me haha Paige was damn shocked especially because she didnt hear what I said haha. But yes they were seriously nice people, even the Blue management team. Their manager smiled at me a couple of times and they totally did not interfere in any form of crowd control at all. Super nice people, unlike Westlife's. Eek.

Heres a video compiled by them =]

So yes two happy people made their way down from ION Sky, bye bye nice place.

Then we decided to head to Burger King to slack whilst we waited for my family and Rory. (yes couldnt walk around anyway cause I was wearing killer heels hahaha) And yes we camwhored with our autographed albums =]

And now all my 3 Blue albums are autographed! Wheeee =]

and then Paige went off and bf accompanied me and family for Blue's open concert. Stood really far back. Couldnt see much but I enjoyed the songs very very very much. Reminiscence!!

<3 Boyfriend

Spent the rest of the night with him =] Met up with Alfred and Cheryl (of which me and Alfred couldnt stop whining about FYP haha)

Aights THANK YOU PAIGE so so much for this great opportunity. You seriously are one very lucky girl. You ALWAYS win all these contests and stuff haha. <3 you much much babe.

Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!


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