A1+Blue+Jeff Timmons (98degrees)

Ok so a few months back I got the news that they were having a combined concert and was rather hyped up about it but but but I had spent a bomb on my Westlife and Super Junior concerts so my idea was "if I get first row during the online booking I'll go or else I will make this concert a miss". Turned out that the first 5 rows were reserved for VIP (even though I called up the organizer and they denied it) so I decided not to go.

Day 1: 27th Feb 2012 - AUTOGRAPH SESSION

Turned out that one of the main sponsors, 112 Katong was having a promotion; spend $200 in a maximum of 3 receipts and receive a poster (for autograph) and a pair of tickets. I called the concierge up and she said it was definitely the first 5 rows. So I rushed down early in the morning (skipping my lesson) and mummy shopped for her watch within 10minutes and we were first in ten to claim the tickets. But the tickets had not arrived so we went shopping around somemore and ended up spending another $200 so we claimed another set of tickets. Lunch and it was 12pm and the tickets had arrived so I went to the counter and guess what?! THEY WERE SHITTY TICKETS! I threw a bitchfit and the dumb concierge said that there was nothing she could do. So I called up One Production and started screaming. She noted my name and number and within 5minutes, Angeline from 112 Katong called me up to settle things. Lets just say things didnt turn out perfect but she tried her best and I was allowed VIP access to the autograph session happening later that evening and so it did! =] I was with Madeline. Girly went early to queue and I came much later but joined her anyway. It was super farnie how I had my own bodyguards hovering around me haha. Too bad Lala didnt come early else I could have gotten her in as well. Ok pictures!

OMG SO HANDSOME!!! My first time meeting A1 in person and WHOA. Super handsome. My Jeff Timmons too!! Favourite 98 Degrees member <3 I was seriously jumping up and down and squealing in excitement. Madeline was standing there all calm haha. Btw this is my first time meeting Madeline in person and I've got to say we hit if off so well from the start. She is such an easy-going and talkative person. Much Love. Ok now time for me to gush about the autograph session hehe.

First up was Christian and I asked him for a hug so I gave a hug and kiss. Mark was next and same thing I asked for a hug and he was like "sure!" and we exchanged hugs and kisses. I said "thank you" and he was like "Nooo, thank YOU! You made my day! Really!" haha SO SWEET. Then I said I waited sooo long for them to come; like 10 years and Mark and Ben were smiling at me. Then Ben gave me a huggy and kiss and it sent the crowd wild hehe. He gave me a peck just next to my lips. Awwww <3 Too sweet. Mummy on the 2nd floor was like "all the girls around me went "WHOOOOOOO" haha and Lala said the same thing happened on her side of the level hahaha. Then it was Jeff Timmons! He gave me a handshake before I asked for a huggy and kissy as well. I told him I was going to there at the concert tomorrow and he asked for my name!! So I told him "Phoebe" hehe SO SWEET! Then it was the Blue boys...no biggie because I met them so many times already. So the usual huggy kissy to go around. Simon first and then Duncan. Then I asked Anthony to write my name for me on my poster and he wrote it down perfectly before I barely whispered "Phoebe". Whoa. The last was Lee and as usual he called me sweetheart and said his hello. But it was rather rushed and Christian and Mark asked me like "how are you doing" and all and I kinda got pushed along even before I could answer properly.

Autographed poster!

So later that night I tried posting up on Facebook to see if people wanted to buy my set of 4 shitty Cat 2 tickets and guess what?! A fellow NUS guy PMed me and took the 4 tickets off my hand and I took the money and passed it to Danielle who sold me her row 2 tickets!!!! WHOOOOOO so I was going for the concert and with kick ass tickets I wanted! (ok I would have preferred first row but haha) I couldnt have asked for better because I bet no one else would have sold their VIP tickets. So thank you once again babe! You're really like an angel that PMed me on Facebook and offering me your tickets. Wow. Because I wasn't even searching for tickets at that point in time. Seriously meant to be.

Day 2: 28th Feb 2012 - CONCERT

The night before I couldn't fall asleep and at about 3am Lala SMSed me and told me she won backstage passes and she was bringing me!!!!! *Squeals* We were like deciding what to wear and stuff hehe =] Love ya girlfriend! So today was a full school day and I met Danielle and Sufyan in between at NUS itself to get and pass my tickets to them =] Thanks for making it so convenient for me <3 Then I rushed home after my last lesson where I was literally counting down the minutes...hehe and headed over to the Indoor Stadium to meet Lala where we waited outside for the Meet&Greet.

I love my group of girlies!!! We made a good choice Lala ;-) They were sooo nice, they knew I loved loved loved Jeff so they let me stand with him!! Wheeeeeee

They said no cameras so I didnt take individual shot =[ Damn. When we entered Jeff said hi and "hi again!" to one of the girls and then turned to me and was like "you too!!! nice to see you again!!!" <3

Next up was A1 and guess who walked past to get ready to get on stage while we were waiting for A1 outside the room??! JEFF!!! I was like "OMG OMG OMG should I ask him for picture?" and all the girls were like "YES!!! GO FOR IT!!!" and I did!!!! He said "Sure you can" and I fumbled getting my camera out cause I was shaking! Haha all the girls kept laughing at me!!! Then Lala snapped this picture for me =]

A bit blur but <3<3<3 Then I said good luck to him and off he went. All the girls kept laughing at how flushed I was hahahahaha. Awww girlies <3

When we entered, I accompanied Lala to say hi to her Mark first before leaving her in his safe hands and going over to Ben =p We hugged and kissed and then I asked Ben "Can I stand next to you for the photo?" and he was like "Of course you can" and he hugged me with both arms and pushed me towards the group for the photo <3 MUCH LOVE

Blue Meet&Greet was after the concert so we headed into the concert hall right after. I gushed to Mummy about my experience and took photos with my girlies =]

Jeff kicked off the show with one of his own songs "Emotional High" and everyone ran in front (me included) hehe

I was chatting to the girls beside me and seriously the fans are damn nice. No one tried to push or squeeze beside me they just stood behind their friends. Soon after everyone was chased back to their seats and security heightened and for the rest of the concerts no more people at the barricade.

A pity about the horrible sound system screw-up. =[ Poor Jeff. But I think he pulled it off professionally so Kudos to him. Enjoyed his performance nonetheless =]

Then they made us go through a painful wait for the sound system to get back on. The Class 95FM DJs were professional enough to run around and get the crowd hyped up by making them do the wave around the stadium etc. One of them was Miss Vernetta Lopez and she was standing by my seat so I tapped her arm and asked for a picture =] I told her she looked really pretty in person and she was like "Awww thanks" She's so nice.

Then A1 was up next and it was hardcore video recording time! =]

Enjoyed the A1 performances thoroughly, effort shown and great performance. Only didnt like how they were stuck in one position throughout because they had their own instruments. Unforgettable moment was before they sang one last song. Ben was like "any last request for any song? Flying without Wings? No we cant sing that that's Westlife. *starts singing* Everybody's looking for that something....Oh is that it? I got it right?" HAHAHA BEN SO CUTE

Then Jeff came out again and this time round from the back of the stadium and he ran through the crowd omg. Then after singing a bit more on stage he jumped down the stage and climbed over the barricade again! hahaha he was super high, he was yelling at people to get off their seats and yanking them off it (Lala was victim to this), standing on people's chairs and jumping over rows and running around. Seeing his security panic and running as fast as they can to chase after him was hilarious. Then when he was done he ran at the side (beside my seat) to get backstage and mummy pushed me and went "eh go go he's coming" so like all the girls along the aisle, I reached out my arms and guess what?! He saw me and hugged and kissed me on the lips!! Of which I was soooo shocked and immediately turned around and went "OMG HE'S DRUNK!" hahaha cause I tasted the alcohol haha. Mummy was like "ehhhh too fast I couldnt take picture" HAHA mummy's the best lahh.

Last performers of the night was Blue and they kicked off with "Sorry Seems to Be the Hardest Word" and this was cue for my toilet break haha. Bumped into Winston there. And guess what?! My camera battery died and I did not charge my extra!!!! So this is all I have for Blue from my Olympus camera, there is still one more video from Sony Cybershot. My 2 favourite songs:

Once Anthony came over to my side and he saw me and said Hi hehe then I turned to my mum and smiled and she was like smiling "wah he can recognize u ah" haha yupyup. And Duncan caught me texting =[=[=[ Damnit haha

After the concert I met up with Lala and went to see Blue backstage. They made us wait for so long that some girls left. When we finally entered, I was first and everyone else behind was so shy! I walked up to them and waved and they were talking to each other. Then Lee saw me and he was like "Hey!!!! Hi!!!!" and then hugged and kissed me. Then he said hi to Lala and they rushed us for a picture. Lee kept smiling and winking at me as he squatted to his position. So cute lahhhhh. Then we got chased out. Omg this girl was trying to take a picture with Lee and the security yanked her from his side =S So rude. Lucky Lee being the nice dude he is stood up for her and she managed her picture.

DAY 3: 29th Feb 2012 - HMV

So bad so bad so bad. I called them up in the morning and they told me it was "free and easy" so I put aside my mugging for a while and headed down in the evening. Turned out it was a shitty "handshake session" Enough said. I tried taking a picture and got scolded by the lady. Then Mark stood up for me and said "she can take a pix of us. let her take the pix" so the lady shut up and guess what?! The damn ass ugly security whacked my camera and started yanking on my bag. WTF. Mark and Ben started screaming at him to let me go and let me take my picture and he continued yanking my bag.

Managed these 2 pix and the stupid uncle dragged me out of the line with Mark trying to grab my arm and Ben and Christian looking in shock. Seriously. If I wasnt busy with exams you'll be losing your job. Seriously wtf lah. What if he had spoilt my cam?! and hello! if the artists says you let go of their fan you bloody hell do. They actually know me you know you stupid uncle?! Nonetheless, A1 proved their nice, kind and sweet side. Saw them apologising about the horrible security on twitter to their fans and seriously I dont blame them AT ALL. Such sweet dudes. Cya guys soon and this time round I'll be free to hang out more =]

And this marked the end of my 3 days adventure. Madeline and Lala managed to stalk them at the hotel/airport and got gorgeous photos. Happy for you girls. Sorry I couldnt join. =[ Midterms =[ But I had a great time with you girls the past 3 days. Next stop: Liverpool!!!!! CANT WAIT. <3

Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!


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