Super Show 4 Singapore

Yes after anticipating for a full year it is finally here!! =] Super Show 4 live in Singapore! =]

Ok first we start with ticket madness. Took a slight effort from me and some connections to get pre-booked tickets at NO EXTRA COST =] I paid $228+3 and I used my MasterCard so no 20cents charge as well. Booked 4 tickets in total. Waited for a full month before I got my tickets on the 19th of January =] I literally snatched the tickets out off the printing machine at the Sistic counter. And I screamed in happiness and hugged MK haha and the guy at the counter came over to find out what was going on hehe. I know its not row 13 and I do regret not emailing her earlier but oh well. Good enough. =]

2 days prior the concert I had a glimpse into the stage set-up and realised that its soooo damn far from the terrace blocks! Pretty upsetting =[ But all's well. Excitement came back the day before when Fiqah came over =]

I spent all night trying to get my damn fanboards up haha. I don't know why I couldn't see my pencil marks on the damn black board so in the end I ended up printing the alphabets on paper and then sticking them on. Hehe. Didn't finish them all up at night so I spent Saturday morning with Fiqah doing them as well. And OMG we ended up laughing sooooo much I wanted to die hahahaha. I swear the fanboard was a complete suicide attempt haha. MK's Oppa Oppa drawings were also to die for. Hilarious shit. So funny.

I also did not intend to queue for any merchandise but sweet sweet Charissa said she didn't mind getting them for me so I ended up buying my Donghae L-folder, the history book and the note-sticker set. Ahhhh spent so much money! haha but thanks once again sweetheart <3

So I met up with her earlier to collect the stuff, dumped them back in the car before buying dinner food and picking up Ryeowook's banner and heading into the stadium. Bag-check was ehem barely there for me haha. There is seriously a tactic to it, act damn confident, strut up to the security and open your bag wide in front of them and they don't really check. Well helps if he was male and perverse haha. Oh well glad it went smoothly since I brought in a total of 3 cameras. And took damn sexy fancams! Mwahahaha

Ok camwhoring before the show starts!

I think Fiqah looks nice here =]

Oh yes and I switched seats with MK and mum which was omg a damn good choice cause the girls in front of them were =S No comments.

When the show finally started I couldn't stop screaming in excitement!! Hahahaha talk about being all calm. MK couldn't stop laughing at me haha. Ok I'm going to give a song by song fan account just because this show deserves it. (Including VCR)

VCR: Underwater/Angels

It was sooooooo hot omg omg omg like hello my half naked biases underwater. *drools* Such a well done VCR. And the angels (basically those who didn't/couldn't go half naked haha) looked so precious! Kyuhyun actually looked really nice. And yes I couldn't stop screaming all the way. Got scolded by the security at this point in time for trying to take pictures as well. Damn fierce bitch mann.

1) Superman

They kicked off the show with Superman; perfect. I still remember the first time I heard Superman being performed live on MuBank as the intro song before Mr Simple, I told MK that this would be an ideal song for the concert opening and guess what? Honey listened to me and took my idea <3

Got caught by the security whilst taking a video of this as well and I knew they were really being extremely strict this time round. She scolded a lot of other girls as well.

You know what's the best part???


I REALLY liked them!! All the metallic greys and blues. Super pretty.

2) Opera

Favourite song+choreo!!

Ryeowook came up the crane on my side for this song and OMG DAMN NEAR!! I was sooo shocked. It was seriously directly above my head. I swear if I did a shoulder stand I probably could have even reached him. It was that near. Super cool!!

The centre stage was raised and it was damn high! I was so shocked. At least 3-5 metres off the ground? And it was scary cause they were dancing all out and there's so many of them! Was worried someone might fall off the platform. The water fountains are also yet another spectacular feature. The fireworks gave me a heartattack every.single.time. haha

3) A Man In Love (Remix)

This item was performed back at the mainstage. Same old brand new performance. Impressive.

4) Bonamana

This was the song where they started running around and guess who came running right at me =S Cho KyuHyun. Haha I was like "oh its KyuHyun" *turns head elsewhere* then I remembered Huimin haha and went "OH! KyuHyun!" and took a video of him jumping up and down =S haha

And a nice picture =p

And the next moments probably caused the most laughter of the night.... All the boys were gathered at the front of the arena for the ending of the song and right when it ended, they all turned and ran towards the main stage. Apparently KyuHyun was a bit slow and Leeteuk who was in front of him was erm well his frantic mad self. He was running around and he ran straight into KyuHyun and fell down, literally "si jiao chao tian" hahahaha FREAKING FARNIE. We all laughed soooo damn hard the girl in front turned to see what happened haha. Seriously Teukkie-Hyung, no one cracks me up like you do; you and your adrenaline rush "I dont know what Im doing!!" haha

OH yes and that was the first of the running downs. So damn glad I switched seats! The girl in front of me was so so sweet she even held my hand whilst I was climbing over her chair to get back to my seat <3 Thanks sweetie you really made my night. Thanks for even letting me stand at the railings. And thank you for smelling good so it wasnt awful squeezing in front hahaha

5) You're My Endless Love

Nice slow song which started at the main stage and the boys branched out. Guess who was stationed in front of me =S Yesung. Sigh. I took like maybe one glance at him and then turned away to stare at other men haha before Fiqah called me and asked "Is Yesung staring at you?" Causing me to turn back and check and upon realising its true gave Fiqah my "epic disgusted look" - according to her and then showed him my Eunhyuk/Donghae banner and then turned my attention (and camera) towards the next nearest person; Siwon who was in front of the arena area. And then MK whispered to me "Jiejie, Yesung is still staring at you" to which I turned glanced at him, took a snapshot and then turned my attention back to another person at the arena HAHA. 


One of Super Junior cutest songs ever haha. I still think the two oh-so-special guests are redundant and a complete waste of money to fly over but oh well. Favourite moment when Eunhyuk lost his balance and pushed the female dancer...Yes honey my eyes are on you *stares* On a sidenote, Heechul you were dearly missed. 

7) Wonder Boy + Rokkugo

Fun-going songs as per usual this time round performed by the whole of Super Junior (whatever that is left anyway) So you see 9 idiots running around. 

8) Walking

I saw the hanging props from the side of the stage when I was seated (bicycle) and my comment was "omg I hope they fall HAHA I hope its Sungmin" - and NO I do not have anything against them or him that's just my natural evil self. I love Sungmin, he's my fellow pink Hello Kitty mate haha. Anyway turned out Eunhyuk and Shindong came out on those props so I took everything back haha. They looked super cute and super farnie. Then there were 4 sexy men walking on the conveyor belt (first 4 singers). Then they switched and it was Hyuk's turn to catwalk and omg the way he flirts with the camera (entirely copied from me but) omg so damn sexy I wont deny getting turned on there and then. haha the lip biting and winking =p

9) Henry's Solo - Billionaire + Lazy Song + Lighters

Yes our talented little mochi. I'm being angry and biased against him singing my Adante only on the second day when I was NOT around. Bitch. So I aint gonna talk about how fantastic and hot he looks on the violin and the keyboard and leave you with only one video for your enjoyment ;-) haha

10) Lee HyukJae's Solo - Self Luminous Bejeweled Handsome Guy

And I felt like dying typing that title out, is this another of your scam trying to get me to flatter you? Gosh honey why so egoistic/narcissistic haha. And yes you could hear MK asking me "what is that on stage?" during Henry's solo and me screaming "Eunhyuk!!!" back haha embarrassment much. Anyway yes here is an almost full version of his solo minus the part he flew directly above my head =p 

Yes my mouth was probably open wide and drooling over his bling bling belt!! Omg...especially since mister was directly above me =S I swear if I did a shoulder stand I could have reached lover boy haha 

11) Sungmin's Solo - One in a Million

Once again he does a sexual number I didnt take much photos/long video due to security haha. The fierce woman was patrolling.

12) KyuHyun's Solo - Isn't She Lovely

Well this guy's voice is whoa so nothing much to comment there haha its a duh he did well. His "alter ego" of sort speaking on the screen during the interval was cute. His harmonica playing was <3

13) Ryeowook's Solo - Move Like Jagger

Sexy and hot Ryeowook! A bit shocking but I guess not too much since I've seen Insomnia 2 Super Shows ago. He sang well and I was quite impressed with his sexy dancing whooo not too fond of the female dancer though I guess it was cause she was the shortest ha. Poor tiny Wookie. No pictures/videos because of strict security once again. 

14) Leeteuk's Solo - Loving You + Piano + She

I really really loved his performance because I think he really showed off his talent. Ok fine I just wanted to pounce on him when he was playing the Saxophone and even more so when he was doing his piano piece; sex on the piano I swear. No videos cause I'm being a jealous bitch cause he only went close to the opposite side of the stadium haha nah joking I'm getting prepared to record Shindong's and Yesung's solo cause I know they're gonna have something new. Leeteuk gave out roses to the girls and yup one final rose to a lucky chosen girl who got a hug in the arena area. 

15) Shindong's Solo - Trouble Maker + Bubble Pop

The moment we've been waiting for! Ok I'm just gonna post my famous video. Reactions included within the video (mostly of MK) Enjoy ;-) 

Yes I am a bit of an attention-whore so I really did get excited seeing the view count increase by 100s every 15mins refresh haha and my subscribers hitting 100 overnight hehe. The power of Super Junior (and media)

16) Good Friends

Ok probably the most embarrassing moment for myself. There was a VCR prior the song and erm I knew what was going to appear so I crawled under my chair and shut my eyes and ears waiting for MK and Fiqah to tell me when it was safe to come up again. Yes I attracted a bit of unwanted attention but I was really scared! =[ Damn you Yesung. Like HM said "He must have heard you" - during SS3 Msia. Unfortunately I think you might be right =[ That guy hated me the moment he saw me. Remember SS3 Singapore Fiqah? Oh well moving on; fun song where they dressed up: I ran down after a while cause I couldnt resist HAHA

So how many "characters" could you recognise? Hehe.

17) Pyjama Party

Basically just a continuation of Good Friends (I think Wookie sneaked off earlier to change)

18) Feels Good

And the new songs from the latest album starts getting performed ;-) I thought the screen used during the song was pretty cool. They had a choreography for it and I quite liked it ;-) But too much dancers made it a bit messy though =S Suju is already 9-men strong we dont need dancers =S

19) Perfection

Yaye! Second time I'm seeing it live hehe ;-) Not that I'm complaining of course hehe and congrats Henry on not making a mistake in front of my face again and making Donghae laugh uncontrollably on stage haha. I love their outfits though pretty pretty <3

20) A-Cha

A-Cha! This was sung live which I was rather impressed with and since this song is essentially my song with my kind of choreography...<3 Check out the pretty waterfalls! Though when the stage rose really high I had minor fear for one of the clumsy pigs falling off; so many people squeezing on stage and dancing full out =S And yes the platform was shaking damn badly =S

21) Mr Simple

Title song =] Lookey the sexy people who took off their jackets haha

Somehow this picture looks wrong =S But oh well Mr Simple is always fun to watch =] Especially with bling bling jackets

22) Dont Don

One of my all time favourite choreography, they used to be sooo good =[ I always <3 Eunhae in this choreo since erm Hangeng is gone and Kibum too =[ This remix was more similar to the SS2 performance than the SS3 one so good effort there I guess

23) ZhouMi's Solo - Because of You

I love this song!! I think it was performed in Singapore for the first time? From the Skip Beat soundtrack. I dont think the song suits the show at all but amazing song and great vocals. ZhouMi! =]

24) Siwon's Solo - Your Grace is Enough (Feat John)

As usual Siwon sings his Jesus Christ song and I'm not too sure if he was really playing the guitar haha oops love ya Siwon. No pictures/video because ehem my Oppa yet to appear hahaha

25) Yesung's Solo - A Man

New solo! I watched his performance for other SS4s and I think this song is nicer so yaye =] Enjoy the video (recorded nicely especially for HM =p)

We were so happy when Yesung broke the 10k view count mark hahahaha. <3 his voice.

26) Donghae's Solo - This is Love/ Oppa Oppa ("Feat" Eunhyuk)

The solo I was waiting for!!! hahahaha I managed to record This is Love but he sounded damn squeaky live (the video sounds better) and then Oppa Oppa!! I dunno why.the.fuck. everyone ran down which meant I had to too else I couldnt freaking record/take anything =S So there goes my video recording. I love my Oppa.

Hyukkie wore his PINK shirt hehehehe

27) Storm

Beautiful song performed by the beautiful voices of Suju with a beautiful "snowing" set.

Dont they look adorable sitting there? HAHA

After this song the rest of the Super Junior boys came out and Hyukkie came out singing the song and OMG he sounded DAMN GOOD I freaking thought it was KyuHyun singing. Wow. They kept playing with the confetti

Hyuk: This is paper
Teuk: No, this is snow
Hyuk: No, it is paper

Hyuk's pay!per! is damn cute lahh hahahaha then they had a "lucky" fan on stage and apparently it was a battle between KyuHyun and Sungmin. I'm just damn glad Eunhae stayed damn far away from her =p Ha. Fiqah I feel sorry for you *hugs*

28) You & I

Cute song where they walked around the stadium....and the mark of my embarrassing moment sigh =S Haha. They were on the extended stage on my side and dear Lee HyukJae decided to stare at me...obviously I was already staring at him (I like him) and he noticed me looking back and glanced away for 3seconds before staring back again for an even longer time and then obviously since I was still staring at him...looked away for slightly longer and decided to turn and just stare at me. By that time everyone along the railings noticed it and the whole row of about 10 girls turned and looked at me to see what Hyuk was staring at =S WTH. So I smiled and waved at him to erm not get a response. Bitch. haha. Then when they walked past people started going back to their seats and Fiqah (who also ran down and disappeared) came to me and I was like "eh you know.." and before I could finish she shouted "YES! I SAW!!" and I was like "huh what?" "I saw him staring at you!!" and yes she was like about 5 person away from me =S And mum back in her seat was like "Eunhyuk didnt wave at anyone at all he kept holding the railing...scared die ah?" hahahahaha. Nevermind I'm just being sore about it urgh but well at least my wish of "getting his attention" came true since I failed for both SS3...why oh why does Yesung always notice me =S Go away. K enough private ranting here's pictures <3

HyukJae is forgiven because he looks so gorgeous. Haha and mum and MK finally admitted after that night that HyukJae is indeed very good-looking in person =p hehe

29) Lovely Day

Nice slow song sang at the main stage <3

30) Our Love

Yes the emo song. This person was giving out fanchants at the start of the concert and asked if I needed the the ehem in front to teach me and I was like no...and shes like "do u know the fanchat do u know the fanchat?" Yes fat ahlian Im actually educated and I can READ. Gosh. Its always people like these that make you look down on the whole bunch of like fans and such. K enough bitching heres the view:

And yes the guys went all teary blah blah and no I did not cry. I found Eunhyuk screaming his own name extremely cute though hehe. And the mike snatching from Donghae causing that kid to hold the water bottle and sing instead HAHA

They concluded the performance with a speech after and dont you think Wookie looks soooo precious in this picture: hehe

31) Do Re Mi

Fun running all around song again =] I think the jumpsuits are pretty fugly but they look adorable anyway HAHA (ehem yes I'm biased) Enjoy pictures =]

32) White Christmas

Continuation from the previous song and some of them already stripped hehe

33) Dancing Out

The usual feel good song that they sing at every Super Show haha its like a tradition. Someone asked me why and my answer was "I guess because this song gets you hyped up; feel good song" This concluded the "main show" before Encore started.


34) Sorry Sorry

A must-perform song duh haha. Yes it was action-packed so much so that my video recording was so horribly shaky hahaha too excited so I shant post it up in fear of causing headache and inducing vomit. Anyway considering it was already encore seriously everyone ran down from their seats and the security gave up chasing them back. Thank god I secured myself a front spot hahaha (against railings)

35) Miracle

Fun-loving song. One of bestie's favourites so this short video is for her:

<3 the song and their dorkiness HAHA

36) Destiny

Final song of the concert, one of the songs I was looking forward to the most because I wanted to hear the korean version live and also Yesung's voice in this beautiful song but firstly it was unfortunately sang in Chinese and erm Donghae gave me something better to remember =]

Finally he came upclose and stayed for long <3 He's so so so so handsome gosh all my hate against him from last SS3 Msia just vanished =[ He's too cute for anyone to be mad at him

He stood a bit away from me and started waving at all the fans in front and then turning to the right before catching my eye and giving me THAT SMILE. That cute little toothless Donghae smile with that twinkle in his eye URGHHHH irresistable. (and yes I'm not delusional he continued smiling at the next few girls beside me as well) His fan service is pretty much one of the best. TOO CUTE <3


They ended up the concert pretty fast cause there was still day 2 but fun nonetheless here's a video =]

I really really really enjoyed the concert, duh who wouldnt. Hope all my ehem Phoebe fanclub people enjoyed the concert as much too with the good tickets =] I was especially happy because the boys were in an especially good mood so it was fun fun fun =] Must be all the chilli crab they ate haha

Aights good job boys! Till the next concert, Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!


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