Kim Hyun Joong Asia Fan Meeting in Singapore

I knew he was coming to Singapore and I knew RITS was were the organizers so I was DAMN tempted to go and pre-order my tickets but but but I decided to be a good girl and save money telling myself that "it is only ONE man dont go its not worth it" and so I did not buy any tickets ;-)

About slightly more than a week before the concert I logged onto Facebook and saw that ONE TV Asia was giving away 5 pairs of tickets!

Emphasis on the word CREATIVE hehe so I knew I had to give it a bit of thought so I waited till my 1st (out of 2) papers were over before typing the email. I wrote a rhyming poem =p Haha it is damn primary school standard so I'm too shy to share it here on the public platform. However I was rather confident I was going to win or maybe just call it a gut feeling hehe ok ignore me but anyway I was more or less expecting a call from an unknown number on Monday cause the contest ended the day before. A call came in the morning but unfortunately it was for a cheerleading event so I diverted the person elsewhere. THE CALL finally came at about 4pm in the afternoon when Mummy was cooking dinner hehe

MS: Hi Phoebe, I'm calling from ONE TV.
P: Hi.... (omg what else can they be calling for?!)
MS: I think you emailed us and entered a contest for the KHJ concert tix right?
P: Yes...(DUH!!!)
MS: Congrats! You won yourself a pair of tickets.
P: Awww thank you!! (FUCK I WON)
MS: Hehe well I will email you the details on Wed, you will collect the tickets on the day itself and just to warn you we will be filming you so be prepared
P: Ok. (OMG WTF? haha)
MS: Alright just remember to check your email
P: I will. Thank you very much
MS: No problem
*hangs up phone*

*walks over to mummy in the kitchen* and went "guess what? I won tickets for the KHJ concert!" Mummy was elated hahaha I think she's a bigger fan than me =p Super excited because for sure we would get a HANDSHAKE no matter what seats we got!!! Hehehe. And they were the most expensive tickets priced at 198bux each so woohoo who's complaining. Thank you ONE for the KHJ tickets! =]

OK now onto the day itself. Had lunch before coming home to paint my nails and I think I napped as well haha before leaving the house for the stadium. Had to be there early at 5pm despite concert starting at 8pm because I had to collect my tickets. So I got there by about 430pm (early as usual) and called MS but she was only on the way so I walked around the area (and looked at the fans with their massive banners hehe) and this lady came up and passed me and mummy each a KHJ badge. So cute <3 (sorry forgot to take pix) It's only those ah lians that ostracize us haha. Oh well.

Anyway when I was collecting my tickets, there was one other winner there without her friend so we decided to record our video together haha. I was sooo nervous! But I think I did ok in the end cause I'm pretty loud naturally haha. I hope if i appear on TV I will be the first person that catches it and not someone else who knows me =S hahaha

So we had quite a lot of time to kill before the concert and decided to have dinner. Ate at Thai Express before heading the stadium at 7+. Was still a bit too early so we had to queue and boy was it fun seeing all the people passing by...alot of people actually dressed up like crazy for it! Both outrageous costumes and also supposedly "dolled-up" girls. I guess you have to since you're confirmed meeting him upclose hehe yes I did too I wore a corset top which I tied on a bit too tight and had to loosen before concert started =S HAHA yes laugh at me. hahaha

Ok enough ranting. Pictures time (before the concert started) Oh yes and the girl sitting me was eating her Bakwa

Aint gonna give a song by song account cause I'm not capable of it haha so here's videos for enjoyment

I really really enjoyed the concert and ended up liking ALOT of songs so much so I went home and said "I wanna go and buy his album" to my mum in the car. It was also quite an honour because apparently Singapore is the first stop of this tour so yaye =] I guess that explains why I saw so many foreigners as well.

Ok onto handshake session. He either smiled or said thank you to all the girls. Then some shook his hands, some gave him a hi5 or hi10 and some lucky people both. Some of them attempted to pass him stuff or say stuff to him taking a little longer than necessary so their hands were whacked and pulled away by manager/security. I guess this was necessary because of time constraints anyway. Like seriously just say hi, shake his hand and get lost lahhh. haha. So what did I do? My mum went in front of me so when he turned to me I waved both hands, said hi and "thank you very much" to which he replied "thank you very much" haha damn cute! It was like an English session I swear hahaha then I left my hands up; indicating I want a hi5 but he was smiling at me and offering his hand in a handshake manner so it was a bit weird haha. Took him 5secs to realise I was asking for a hi10 so he gave me a hi10 and intertwined our fingers <3 hehe like KiaKia puts it; "omg 十指交扣! XD" hahaha yah quite romantic right? He's seriously damn handsome upclose. Eyes very big with very dark complexion; really tall dark and handsome.

Then we were ushered off stage and stood at the side on the floor for a while due to "traffic jam" so I got to stare at him a bit more and he looked over =S But he didnt have any reaction he just glanced over.

I guess he is a very non-biased person who could go both ways; good and bad. Good in a way I did not feel jealous AT ALL throughout the concert at either people sitting in the first row or lucky fans who got to go up on stage. That girl who asked for a hug basically entirely embarrassed herself when he said no =S and a malay girl got called "makcik"  by the MC like what the hell shes not THAT old to be called auntie lah...and the special girl who was on the hospital insulting can that be? Also the girl who got the big bear basically just got shoved the bear in her face and then ignored. hahahaha. no hug nothing. So I guess it was a good for people like me haha (who was far far away ok I wasnt I was at the arena area =p) but a bit sorry for the "lucky" people didnt really feel like they got much =S Except the 2 who got pictures I guess those are pretty much worth it ;-)

Great concert definitely apart from my too-tight-corset which had to be loosened at the start haha I loved the songs. He was professional (but no fan service) and yes the hi5 session was such a humble gesture and I could see him getting tired but he persevered on. I find his niceness very genuine and I appreciate his efforts. So thank you ONE and KHJ for giving me such a great end of exams celebration ;-)

Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!


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