My Debut in Shane Filan's Video

This marks a significant milestone in my Westlife achievements so I have to blog about it =]

So I've appeared in Westlife's final photobook, this year in Shane's Singapore tour video and now in his special Fan Video for his song "Coming Home"

Story behind my submission: deadline was 13th Dec but I didnt have time so I submitted my entry on the 16th Dec which was 3 days late:

I actually really baked that cake myself together with Bestie for a friends birthday hahaha. Took this photo borrowing Bestie's santa hat haha thanks Bestie!

AND 8 days later I got a little surprise when Shane announced his video...TADA!

Me @0:43 hehehehehe

So surprised and happy that my picture was chosen despite not spamming at all and a late entry at that. 

WISHING ALL WESTLIFERS A MERRY CHRISTMAS! Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!


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