How to Vote for MBC Show Champion

Being an idiot, I was having difficulties with this so thanks to my friend Reese I managed to navigate my way around and now I'm passing on the knowledge.

Link to vote for Eunhae #GrowingPains:

1) Click on the button next to Eunhae's song track

2) You'll be directed to a sign-in page. Click the rightmost button. 

3) Select the option for foreigners living abroad (airplane symbol)

4) Agree to the terms and conditions by scrolling to the bottom and clicking the black button.

5) You will be brought to the sign-up form where you fill up your personal particulars.

*Key in your chosen ID in the ID box and click "verify ID". A pop-up will appear so note to enable them. Key in the same ID again and click verify of which they will tell you if it's available. If allowed, click the top button and your ID will appear in the box.

6) After clicking confirm, an email will be sent to you. 

7) Go to your email, click on Show Champion and you will be directed back to the voting page. 

8) Vote away! You are allowed 3 clicks / votes per account =)


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