[Review] Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

So I managed to catch this highly anticipated movie on the opening night itself thanks to our Good Friday holiday which allows me to stay up late.

Dressed in our appropriate t-shirts to show our support for the movie, my family headed down a nearby cinema for the show.

Overall, I thought the movie was ok. There were a couple of reviews from previous special screenings which were negative but after having watched it myself, I thought it was pretty decent.

*Don't read on if you don't like spoilers*

Plot wise I thought it was a good opening movie leading up to the formation of Justice League. The insight on Batman was done in an apt and concise way and the merging of the two timelines; Batman and Superman universe was cleared quickly within the start which creates a solid base for the rest of the movie. The only thing I did not like was the age gap between the characters and the fact that Superman was simply too new to Earth.

Props to Ben Affleck; he was the main thing I was looking forward to for this movie simply because I felt that Batman never had a good actor to play Bruce Wayne particularly and I must say that he did not disappoint. I could even read his emotions while he don the mask so kudos to him. Not forgetting, his HOT BODY ;-) Inputting a bit more of my bimbotic girly comments in; I thought it was cute how Batman has a dimpled chin because it's essentially the only exposed feature when you are in the bat suit. Batman was also finally, frightening. He managed to induce fear in the audience as we witness his merciless methods in teaching the bad guys a lesson. His 'powers of premonition' gets to me quite a bit but I reckon its something to do with the future movies ;-) The sole let down from the Batman character for me would be the lack of cool gadgets (and what car was he even driving in the opening scene?!). The best fight scene for me with regards to Batman would be when he was trying to save Martha; that was when the cool stuff came into play. The luring of Superman was relatively a good set-up but it got too plain and dull after a while. 

Speaking about 'Martha' and the play on same name; the revelation scene was a bit short-changed and it turned too quickly in terms of the atmosphere and emotions of both characters.

Superman on the other hand; let's just say that the only savior in terms of acting on his side was Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane. The rest of the cast was so weak in terms of acting. I give credit to Henry Cavill for his hot body without needing padded suit. His curves are amazing. 

Lex Luthor, the new villain introduced was a bit too psychotic for my liking and the age gap made me feel like he was Lex's son....or am I missing something here?

Finally on Superman side; let's say Doomsday is for Superman to fight.

Next, fists up for my greek goddess Gal Gadot!!! I love her. I love her so much. She's gorgeous, I really liked the aura she emitted and she's so hot. She played her sophisticated character well and she was a true amazon warrior during the final battle. The battle also showcased all her iconic weapons so thumbs up on that as well. This was a great opening introducing her character and I can't wait to learn more about Wonder Woman in her solo movie. Only negative comment I have is; I wish she was bigger.

Concluding my review, I am a tad bit disappointed with the casts revealed for the other Justice League members...the moment Batman pulled out the file with the logo, my brother and I were racking our brains to match them and we did =) They will show you the characters and that's when I was let down with a less than appealing line-up. I am a rather judgmental person and just by first glimpse I did not like their physical appearances much save cyborg. So that was a bit sad after a strong lead by Ben and Gal. I will follow the story nonetheless but in an inevitable action of comparing the DC and Marvel universe, the avengers cast win by a mile. I'd thought DC would have put up a stronger fight in terms of casting. 

It is definitely a movie to catch even for non DC fans, the action will be enough to keep you occupied but being clueless about the background does cause a bit of confusion...or maybe it doesn't cause you won't be as bothered as me trying to find the links and parallels. 

Hope this was a good read, Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!


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