Kim Kibum Fanmeet in Singapore 2013

Hi All!!

Ok me being me....omg I havent blogged for 2 years and I've decided to start it again because...I feel like my work doesnt give me any chance in writing AT ALL and my tweeting and messaging habits are just making my standard of erm writing deteriorate at a rather unpleasantly rapid rate...

OK KIM KIBUM. Before I go into complaining and whining about the slightly less than exciting fanmeet I will give a background introduction on how I am into Kibum. I belong to the oldest batch of Super Junior fans so I actually really liked him when he was still a Super Junior...especially in the "U" video with him in the blue singlet <3 p="">
Anyway when I knew about the fanmeet I DID NOT actually purchase any tickets because well I'm Eunyuk's girl I'm stingy enough said though I knew I wanted to be there. Sooo...when my friends who knew I liked him asked if I was buying tickets I replied with a "I will win one" and true enough...I did just 20hours before the concert from the twitter spam giveaway from 987FM Double D's hehehe. Looks like I've still got quite a bit of luck and a group of patient and understanding twitter followers haha thanks guys for putting up with the spam ;-)

Ok on to the Fanmeet itself....I am going to express my opinions in bulletpoint. Do note that these all ALL MY OPINIONS and if I happen to offend anyone I apologize and I promise to be as nice as possible...

1. The host was average - the guy was pretty good, entertaining and quite funny. I have no idea who he is but he spoke well. Thing is I don't think he knows a shit about Kibum and Kibum was probably on the verge of falling asleep before myself

2. The translator sucked. Translators are supposed to help the idol erm understand what the hell was happening; ie what the host was saying. She was an NUS student wearing a super short skirt sitting next to Kibum as if she was the girlfriend/co-host of sorts. The professional ones usually stand behind the idol and translate everything. There were times the host was making Singapore-ish jokes in English/Chinese about the fans coming up on stage etc and Kibum didnt know what the hell was going on...he started playing around with the props on the table etc but I guess it turned out well for him cause fans thought it was cute

3. Which brings me to the next point; not being sore or anything but;what is wrong with the chosen fans?! To me, as an excited fan chosen to go on stage to play games, reaction would be when your name is being called: scream/jump in joy, wave your hands in acknowledgement and quickly make your way up the stage. Actual thing which happened yesterday: take about 5mins to even stand up, making the host look all the around the theatre to see if the person is even around, and then the said person takes about another 10mins to saunter their way up to the side of the stage. It was sooo annoying!! Thing is, they didnt even check the name or ticket I was so tempted to just go up on stage seeing the reaction of the chosen fans sheesh. Firstly, dont say that you are shy and that it is embarassing to go up on stage because you freaking wrote your name down on the piece of paper offering yourself to get chosen. If you're really that shy don't submit your name and don't expect to get called to go on stage. Honestly I think my classmates showed more courtesy and manners when my school teacher was giving out our test papers; at least we stood up immediately raising our hands and walking up to collect our paper briskly. Total waste of my time, I could go to the toilet and back before the 5 fans even went on stage (btw yes I made a total of 3 toilet breaks in 2 hours cause I was just that bored)

4. There was stupid b***h whom I aint even sure who she was...either part of his agent or the organizer? She kept saying no to EVERYTHING. Mind you, the no photography was already strongly being enforced. Fans sceamed for Kibum to show his abs and she ran from the back to the front to frantically wave her arms signalling a no and so he didnt show his abs. Next, he was asked to show a Kung Fu pose and she did the same thing again. Lastly, at the very end when the host wanted to call on extra fans for the final game, he looked to the side of the stage and someone I'm guessing the manager signalled that 4 more was ok. Same stupid woman ran up and started signalling "2". Lucky for the fans the host ignored her and chose 4 extra names. Seriously I dont know whats wrong with her. The fact that he's here to enjoy himself? Meet fans? For us to get to know him better? All not achieved.

5. The games played were downright horrible - boring, stupid, lousy. This blame goes 100% to the lousy organizers. I guess this is when I give a quick breakdown of the fanmeet schedule
  • Hei Bai Pei? Where Kibum points left or right and you're supposed to turn the other way else he takes the toy hammer and hits your head where you have an opportunity to protect yourself with the paper bowl. Rule: Kibum can hit fan but fan cannot hit Kibum (how gentlemanly)
  • Second: Blindfolded fans (who blindfolded themself) had to shake hands with 5 people and guess which was Kibum. Not even touching or patting just a firm hand shake =S
  • Magic show: he broke a plate and tore tissue paper stuff it into his sleeve (quite cute lah I admit) and then got a male fan on stage to waste time saying numbers. And guess what, male fan does not get a thank you hug from him unlike the girls. A bit bias dont you think? male or female, hot or not, he's obviously still a fan for sitting there like in the third row I was personally put off by that. I'm pretty sure I've seen korean male idols hug male fans.
  • Sandwich making for fan. Sorry I meant attempt at sandwich making. Complete time wastage omg I swear I slept for 7mins at least. I think he spent half an hour making 4 sandwiches and cutting them into half. And then 10mins for the fans fighting to be the one standing next to him for the picture and in the end he squatted in front with all of them behind. I shall keep my comments to myself.

6.   My opinion on Kibum by the end of the night: Gay and blur. Don't ask me why (because no one else seems to agree with me on the gay part as well) I just felt it the moment he appeared and then he answered the marriage question with not wanting to get married till he was quite old and not wanting  to have kids. Which seems pretty much like a typical gay marriage to me hahaha. I really thought he had no charisma on stage and he basically didn't carry himself very well on stage; how he answered questions etc. He was a boring person (and I'm sorry I have to compare but the Super Junior boys are about 300% better on stage and interviews) To add, he was so damn blur and his command of the English language was so bad, he could not comprehend the host at all and could only react when the translator bothered doing a translation (which was about 30% of the time) And some of the questions, he took a little too long to answer as well. (he was almost as retarded as Donghae which figures why they were best friends =p haha)  

7.Oh by the way they were extremely strict with bag checks I had to deposit my camera into the locker. Nice thing was, the ticket I was given was the last row within the second section but when it started, we all realised the entire section was so empty so we moved forward and I ended up second row instead haha so yaye <3 div="" nbsp="">

Ok to end off, for new fans of Super Junior and have no idea what Kibum is like; I'll share a couple of my favorite moments/videos of him:

1) Super Summer (feat Kibum, Donghae and Siwon) - Donghae is simply adorable here and really skinny haha, quite a lot of Kihae moments in this I remember them holding hands and dragging a toy in one of the episodes

2) Super Junior Dont Don dance practice - Kibum is the topless one ;-)

3) U MV (I really liked the cute ones here; my first batch of favourites: Ryeowook, Sungmin, Donghae, Kibum - I actually didnt know their names I referred to them as the cute ones)

Ok Phoebe Feehily signing off now ciao!!


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